The new emission tracking capabilities in Maximo Application Suite (MAS) 9.0 are the next steps on a sustainability roadmap that we started in the last release of Maximo 8.x. In that release, we used a classification of Locations Meters by Meter groups for Power, Gas, and Water. We also delivered a data connector to the ESG Suite (Envizi) to include data for GHG Scope 1 and 2 reporting from location meters. This first release was mostly delivering business value in the context of corporate carbon reporting.
In the 2024 release of MAS 9.0, we are putting the focus on emission tracking and management from an operational viewpoint. In previous articles on operational sustainability, we concluded that there are both corporate AND operational workflows to track emissions, for complementary reasons.
- Operational emissions are key to the corporate emissions reporting. Continuous and fugitive emissions, at the source, both add up into the Scope 1 and 2 CO2e corporate emission reports.
- Operational emissions tracking is key to taking corrective actions on operational and environmental procedures, choices of production materials, and emission conservation at the source.
While the ESG Suite focuses on the coarse-grained GHG emissions at a site level, the emission tracking in MAS provides the infrastructure and granularity of the emissions sources by locations and assets, down to the fine granularity of individual meters and incidents.
We will deliver a Maximo sustainability strategy for customers across industries to report on environmental impact using their existing asset infrastructure and operational asset management workflows.
- Record emissions from operations.
- Track emission KPIs on the Operational Dashboard.
- Report on location emissions data.
User Research
Multiple user research projects were run to identify the business needs and validate the proposed designs. When interviewing Operational, Environmental, and Sustainability managers, we found that:
- There are both corporate and operational reasons to track emissions.
- Different reporting practices exist across operational teams, as well as across continuous and fugitive emissions.
- Organizations need to support emission recording, analysis, mitigation, and reporting workflows.
- Organizations need to ensure compliance with environmental emission regulations and health and safety protocols as part of their environmental responsibilities.
- Operations continuously need to improve efficiency and reduce operational spend.
Conclusions are that:
- The market is moving toward platform-based solutions that deliver a set of core capabilities.
- Legacy emissions solutions are narrow in scope or still use spreadsheets and/or regulatory-mandated factors to generalize or infer data, which cannot support current and future requirements.
- The gap between ideal environmental ambitions and practical realities presents energy-intensive companies with both existential risks and global opportunities.
The end-to-end emission management scenario crosses over multiple operational and environmental roles and workflows.
First, emissions may occur in regular operational production and activities. Emissions occur continuously, like in combustion for heat, steam, or power production. The flow of gas, oil, or other fuel material is measured by meters and may be reported through inspections by technicians. Emissions may also be unplanned and fugitive. A leak may be detected by the control system and recorded as an incident by operations, or as an inspection by a technician.
Emission data is recorded as part of the operational business object; as a meter reading for continuous emissions or an incident for fugitive emissions. Emission records may be reported as an Emission Profile in the context of the reported location of the emissions. The emission data recorded is continuously added for ESG reporting on actuals and sustainability targets.
The Environmental Officer is tracking emission KPIs on the Emission Management dashboard. Corrective actions based on emission-driven KPIs may be to plan an investigation to identify root causes and suggest actions or operational changes.
An emission management dashboard is provided out-of-the-box. MAS 9.0 improves the operational dashboard and supports the creation of multiple public and private dashboards. The Emission Management dashboard is just a new public board created with emission tracking cards connected to KPIs in Maximo KPI Manager.
Users can add new KPIs and edit, clone, or create emission dashboards for personal or shared use.
A location meter is an instance of a meter (type) related to a location. A location has 0..n location meters. Some of the definitions of the meter are delegated to an instance of a meter, either a location meter or an asset meter. For example, a GAS meter may be a common type for meters that measure Biogas, Natural Gas, Methane, ?Gasoline, or LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas). Hence, the material/emission measured by the meter and the unit of measure is defined by the location (and asset) meter, not by the meter type.
With emission tracking, new emission details are added to the location meter record, including the emission type, category, and impact. Also, the emission/material is defined for the location meter. The definitions and values for the emission details are consistent with the incident event design.
Manual meter readings provide new meter values during inspections. The consumption of material is provided as the meter reading. An emission record is created from the meter reading with optional CO2e using the EIS APIs.
Incidents and Incident Events
An (HSE) Incident record captures all details of an operational incident. An incident may be of an ENVIRONMENTAL type and may have dependent emission-related details. Other incident types exist that may be used as a class for emissions, such as SPILL and LEAK.
An incident may have multiple outcomes. There may be damage to equipment like vehicles, to persons like drivers, and there may be multiple types of emissions, like spilled diesel or release of gas. An Incident has 0..n Incident Events to record the decomposition of an incident into separate types of events and their details. For emission tracking, the type to be used is the ENVIRONMENTAL type. The emission detail section on the page is ONLY related to incident events of ENVIRONMENTAL type and should only be shown when this type is selected.
Emission Material Classifications and Calculations
All emission tracking scenarios include emissions of some material type. Material is a generalized concept for defining such use of products, formulas, chemicals, solids, fluids, and gases. Each type of material has a corresponding CO2e equivalent, which represents the amount of CO2 creating an equivalent greenhouse impact. The computation that transforms an amount of a material to the equivalent CO2e is called an emission factor calculation.
The material types are predefined by a material classification. The material names and unit of measures are identifiers that may be defined by an Emission Factor calculator API and should be seen as reserved API parameter values.
Emission factor calculators, like the EIS Emission calculator APIs, provide emission factor calculations for a predefined set of material types. The emission material type is used in the Incident, Meter, and Emission Profile pages for the Emission field. The values for Emission, Emission Amount, and Unit of Measure are used as parameters for calls to the emission factor API. The material names and unit of measures are identifiers and should be defined by the emission factor calculator to avoid material identity lookups and transformations.
The GHG protocol requires tracking of 7 greenhouse gases in addition to the CO2e aggregate: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3). The first release of emission tracking only provides a field for a CO2e value.
Emission Reports
The location emission profile is a summary of the emissions from sources associated with the location. This may include incidents and meters. In later releases of Maximo Manage, other sources of emissions may be added to the location emission profile.
New ‘View Continuous Emissions’ and ‘View Fugitive Emissions’ actions are added to the location action list, providing a summary of all continuous and fugitive emissions related to the location, respectively. Using the View Continuous Emissions dialog and View Fugitive Emissions dialog, users can track and analyze the location emissions.
- Filter emissions by type, classification, impact, emission/material, or time window.
- Export emissions to a CSV file.
Early designs, not included in the final delivery, suggested a single Environmental tab on Location and Assets form views. The Emissions/Environmental tab on the Location and Asset record lists all emissions related to the location. To track and analyze the location/asset emissions, users can:
- Filter the single list view for any emission type and source related to the location or asset.
- Expand each individual emission record for details.
- Export emissions to a CSV file.
Emission Management Dashboard
Maximo Manage is improving the Role-based Dashboard in Maximo Manage 9.0 to support multiple configurable dashboards.
The emission tracking capability will deliver an out-of-the-box Emission Management dashboard with environmental KPIs on emissions, health, and safety, to be used by an Environmental Manager in an operational team.
The KPI tiles are:
- SLA compliance: Count of all fugitive incidents with incident events of ENVIRONMENTAL type.
- Environmental investigations: Count of ongoing environmental investigations in progress related to an ENVIRONMENTAL-type incident.
- Environmental changes: Count of MOC with environmental impact, filtered by investigations caused by an environmental incident.
- Overdue environmental critical work: Count of work related to environmental incidents.
A suggested environmental work queue is added to a Work Queue tile:
- Overdue emergency environmental work.
- Overdue planned environmental work.
Rows are added for Favorites and Quick Actions
Mobile Incident Reporting
The Incident Reporter app in Maximo Mobile supports technicians to report on fugitive emissions directly on-site, without the need for sensors.
A new mobile incident reporting application was designed but not included in the final delivery. The mobile Incident Reporting application use cases should, like the web application, also include all types of incident types, such as injury and illness, security incidents, a near miss, a spillage, a safety observation, or a failure in a safety process.
Business Outcome
On June 25, 2024, IBM announced the availability of the 9.0 release of the Maximo Application Suite. Maximo Manage 9.0 integrates emissions with work management to efficiently track and manage continuous and fugitive emissions while connecting emission reduction efforts with maintenance activities.
Maximo Manage 9.0 builds on a long history of tracking environmentally impactful processes with the introduction of an Emissions Tracking Dashboard within the Health, Safety, Environment, and Oil and Gas offerings to help customers monitor their progress against CO2 reduction targets.
Read more about how to effectively capture and manage a diverse range of operational emissions in a single platform in the IBM Maximo Emission Management report
IBM Maximo Emission Management in the IBM Media Center video.
A Maximo Emission Management session was presented at Maximo World 2024.
Maximo Emission Tracking
Maximo World 2024 session on emission tracking.
IBM Maximo Emissions Management video
IBM Maximo Emissions Management helps environmental managers track and manage their operations’ fugitive and continuous emissions.